Can The Use Of CBD Help Ease GERD And Acid Reflux?

CBD For Managing GERD
CBD For Managing GERD
CBD For Managing GERD

It’s not uncommon to get heartburn after a big meal, particularly a spicy one. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), which is intimately linked to acid reflux, affects one out of every ten Americans. To get short-term relief from this condition, most patients turn to over-the-counter medications, but these drugs don’t work in the long run. They can also cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, and vitamin deficiencies when used for lengthy periods.

CBD oil appears to be a secure and potent replacement to traditional therapy for GERD. We explain the mechanism underlying CBD’s advantages for GERD and acid reflux in this post, as well as provide a buyer’s guide for those new to this expanding and unregulated sector.

How Competent Are You In Understanding GERD And Acid Reflux?

When the transitory lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle moves, stomach acid rushes back into the esophagus, causing acid reflux. The opening of the sphincter muscle happens when you swallow your food. Even if the individual is not swallowing anything at present, the sphincter seems to stay open. The continual passage of gastric acid into the esophagus can cause esophagitis, which is an inflammation of the esophagus.

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is a type of acid reflux that is more severe. GERD can cause wheezing, coughing, sore throat, and hoarseness in addition to heartburn. If left untreated, GERD can develop hiatal hernia and esophageal mucosal damage due to extended exposure to gastric acid on the esophageal lining. Esophageal cancer is commonly observed in people enduring GERD.

CBD For GERD And Acid Reflux

Doctors do not consider administering CBD as a frontline treatment option for patients with GERD. Proton pump inhibitors like nizatidine and cimetidine, as well as over-the-counter antacids, are commonly prescribed by doctors. PPIs lower the levels of gastric acids in the stomach. These drugs, on the other hand, might have serious adverse effects, which is why natural alternatives such as CBD are advocated.

Although there is no direct research on the effectiveness of CBD for managing GERD, existing evidence suggests that CBD’s activity on the receptors of the endocannabinoid system may have several modulatory effects that can help regulate gastric acid production, promote healthy esophageal function, and reduce gut inflammation and pain.

Cannabinoid receptor activity induced by CBD and THC may lower stomach acid production, according to a review published in 2016. The review’s authors noted studies that showed cannabis extracts could protect animal subjects against mucosal damage and gastrointestinal lesions.