Researcher Seeks Driver Participants For Cannabidiol Oil Study

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CBD Driving Effects
CBD Driving Effects

Human beings have long been committing DUI offenses. Anyhow, cannabidiol oil did not turn into a safety worry until years since people started to drive Tesla’s Model X. Many people ask us this question: ‘‘Can you drive on CBD oil?’’. You may do so, but just keep in mind that the world of science does not fully know its possible consequences. In other words, scientists are yet to understand how widespread cannabidiol use affects drivers. This is where Toni Marie Rudisill’s research perhaps deserves all the attention it now gets.

As for Rudisill, we do not know a lot regarding cannabidiol, and there is not much research about it. Anyhow, there is anecdotal evidence that it helps people to relax or sleep, she said. Rudisill wonders how CBD would affect one’s performance, or cause them to be at more risk of injuries if it makes them tired. The researcher specializes in injury epidemiology, so it comes as no surprise that she thinks about the above.

Half of the study’s participants would get 300 grams of pure cannabidiol oil, whereas the rest would get a placebo. It is a double-blind study concept, so neither the researchers nor the participants would know who gets cannabidiol doses or placebo dosages. The dosages will have a peppermint oil-based flavor, to mask how those two substances differ in taste. Thus, people would not know which product they get.

After their first dosage, participants would complete a simulated driving test of around 30 minutes. Describing the simulator as similar to a standard computer game, Rudisill said that it may not look impressive, but its back-end data is amazing.

For instance, the simulator is capable of showing how frequently a participant moves away from the lane, whether with proper turn signal use or a stop at the red signal. If they wait for a left turn at a road junction, that simulator could show whether a participant judges oncoming car distance and speed. In the event of a pedestrian darting into the roadway, it could identify whether that driver participant applies the brake in time.

As the West Virginia University School of Public Health’s researcher, Rudisill is seeking people willing to participate in the study about CBD driving effects. Wish to be a participant of the experiment? If yes, dial Cynthia-Fisher Duda’s WUV phone number or contact that study coordinator through her WVU Email ID.