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Mistakes To Avoid While Growing CBD Hemp

Growing CBD Hemp

Hemp farming is growing into a large scale industry with positive changes in the legal status of hemp. CBD hemp farming practices differ from that of industrial hemp because the former crop is grown to obtain cannabinoids that are useful in the wellness industry while the latter is grown for industrial purposes. Here are a few of the mistakes to avoid while growing CBD hemp.

Using Low Quality Or Unknown CBD Hemp Seeds 

Selecting a random seed variety and growing CBD hemp is not going to give the results you expect. For a higher germination rate that can produce high-quality plants, you have to select nothing less than premium seeds. You should also know the strain of hemp that you are growing. Reputable seed providers will maintain a catalog that has detailed information about every strain. CBD and THC content, sowing time, expected flowering, and harvest times are details that are important to plan the crop growing strategy.

Planting In Soil That Lacks Essential Nutrients 

Cannabis plants require several soil nutrients and the levels in which each of these are required vary according to the plant type. Planting hemp in nutrient-deprived soil will limit its productivity. Get the soil tested for essential macronutrients like potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorous. Research on the nutrient requirements of the strain of hemp that you plan to grow.

Improper Germination 

Although labor-intensive, sowing the seeds directly in the soil yields better. Hemp plants require a humid but not wet environment for its growth. The ideal temperature range is around 71-77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Supplying Excess Or Deficient Nutrients To The Plants

Cannabis plants are known to be sensitive to the nutrients they get from the soil. Therefore, developing a clear understanding of the quantum of requisite nutrients and preparing a feeding schedule is very useful. More fertilizer is not always good for crops, especially hemp.

Too Little Or Excess Sunlight 

The amount of sunlight required will vary depending on the strain of hemp. Even the variations in the growth stage of hemp will alter the required levels of sunlight. When hemp plants do not receive enough sunlight, they make efforts to grow closer towards the light source; thereby resulting in energy loss. The result may be tall and thin plants that are not even capable of supporting their weight. Too much light may make the crop susceptible to burns on its leaves.

Attaining maximum productivity out of hemp farms is only possible if you avoid possible cultivation mistakes. Learn more about hemp growing here!