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Understanding The Basic Vape Pen For Vaping CBD

Vaping CBD

Over the last couple of years, CBD has exploded into the scene and has been paving a new niche in the industry ever since. This is much credited to the passing of the Hemp Act in 2018, which made the growing, distribution and possession of hemp derived substances, in this case, CBD, completely legal right from the federal level. This was a landmark decision that showed how the US government was slowly releasing its firm grip on the marijuana affiliated industries, and practices related to drug use, which were deemed safer.

CBD use began increasing and the industry seemed to be primed for breaking records. Of the several ways in which CBD can be enjoyed, one that has garnered the most head turns is undoubtedly vaping CBD. The thought of sporting a sleek metallic pen with which you can blow out a puff of thick fumes looks just as cool as you would imagine. This is also the reason why there is a rise in the vape pen sales, with many of those buying them belonging to the young adult bracket of 18-27 age range.

Having so many CBD vape pen manufacturers, devices and brands to choose from, it can often get quite daunting as a consumer to sift through the numerous models, and find a vape pen that suits your need. We will be going through the basics with which you can choose your CBD vape pens better. Read on…

The Major Types Of CBD Vape Pens

Most of the vape pens that are available come in three forms: these are disposable, refillable and cartridge-based. The way to know what vape pen to choose from depends on introspecting and understanding what your requirements are. This will go on to decide the type of pen, the maintenance and the overall enjoyment that you can seek from it.

Disposable CBD Vape Pens

These are a no-brainer- it is as the name suggests, disposable vape pens that have a single-use, are self-contained and are designed to be thrown away after use. These pens are easier on the wallet, but they lack many of the technological aspects that are deployed in other vape pens. Since they needn’t be refilled nor recharged, most users will find that the long-term costs are seemingly negligible when compared to the convenience.

If you are someone who only needs to use a CBD vape pen on a blue moon, then you are in the clear. However, if you need a quality vaping device that can last you long, then it would be a bad idea, and outright expensive to keep getting disposable one. Getting a CBD cartridge vape pen would be more cost-effective in that case.

Refillable CBD Vape Pens

Unlike the next CBD vape pen on this list, the refillable CBD vape pens give its users countless choices of CBD oils and a vast array of e-liquids. There is greater compatibility and the refillable CBD vape pens give unchartered versatility to the overall CBD experience.

But having this sheer versatility comes as a double-edged sword; you have the added burden of maintaining CBD vape pen. To make sure that the CBD vape device is in proper functioning order, the tanks must be cleaned on a regular basis, and the other components of the vape pen such as the heating coils, may have to be changed every other month or so.

Even if the maintenance is more, it is still a better option for those who want a refillable option of CBD vape pens.

Cartridge-Based CBD Vape Pens

These are in the middle grounds of the previous two. You have the choice of using CBD cartridges loaded with a wide array of e-oils and tinctures, at the same time you don’t have the added annoyance of having to take care of every nit-bit.

Once the cartridge is over, you have to buy a new cartridge which can add up to the cost. If you are looking for a cost effective way to enjoy CBD vaping for a long course of time, then it is advised to go for refillable CBD vape pens. If the frequency of use is low, then it would be wise to get a cartridge one or a disposable one.

Choose Quality, Even If It Cost You

Make sure to not compromise on the quality of CBD vape pens. They are in a range of a few dollars to a few hundred or even thousands of dollars. Try to find a middle ground, and make sure to read reviews and research well, before you make a purchase. Various online forums act as a common ground where past customers can speak out and the community can benefit as a whole.

CBD therapy is an experience on its own. Don’t wriggle out on getting sub-par results and instead strive to get the best that your wallet can allow you to.