A Short Comparison Between CBD Oil And CBD Tinctures

CBD For Menopause
Pure CBD Oil
Pure CBD Oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) has gained wide acceptance in different parts of the world. Now, a lot of people are using different CBD products that are available in the market for treating a wide range of mental and physical ailments. CBD has proved to provide a large number of health benefits to humans and many people use CBD infused products regularly.

Manufacturers are trying to come up with new CBD products for conquering the market. A lot of CBD products are available now that you can use based on your convenience. A few of the CBD products which are commonly available today include CBD capsules, edibles, topicals, etc. Another two important products that are widely used include CBD oil and CBD tinctures. People often confuse these two products for each other. Hence, we list some significant information regarding them for helping you to differentiate between those.

CBD oil

This is the most commonly used CBD product for getting health benefits. Pure CBD oil comprises of CBD that is extracted from cannabis or hemp suspended in an inert oil solution.

Usually, the oil will be separated from the plant material through a process called extraction. The process uses either CO2 or some other solvent for separating the oil from the plant material. This oil will have other cannabinoids present in them along with THC, but in a very small amount. This method uses the whole plant for the extraction process including the stem, leaves and flowers.

Pros of CBD oil

  • CBD oil will easily vaporize; hence, it can be easily consumed through vaping, which is an effective method that gives immediate effects.
  • CBD oil is easily available everywhere
  • Pure CBD oil will have high concentration of CBD
  • It can be added to your food items and can be used for making other CBD products.

Cons of CBD oil

  • It has a distinctive taste that is somewhat unpleasant.
  • If you apply oil to your food, it might sometimes change its properties, thereby not giving the desired benefits.

CBD tinctures

Tinctures are slightly different from CBD oil. While pure CBD oil is suspended in inert oil, tinctures are suspended in alcohol. It also has high concentrations of organic CBD.

Pros of CBD tinctures

  • As the alcohol disguises the specific taste of CBD, this product is great for adding in food items.
  • The lack of distinctive taste makes it more convenient to take it orally.

Cons of CBD tinctures

  • Tinctures should not be vaped. It can be dangerous if you vape it using a vaporizing pen.
  • Some people may not be comfortable with the idea of taking alcohol for consuming CBD.